Salt v Energy & Ageing

We all accept (some more than others) that changes in our body are an inevitable part of ageing and that symptoms such as stiffness, aches/pains, weight gain, thinning hair, sleep issues, fatigue, sluggishness, dark circles and bags under the eyes are expected with advancing years.

But are they really part of ‘natural’ ageing or is our modern lifestyle triggering these unnatural ageing symptoms?

We can go into our older years with good flexibility, strength, healthy weight, good hair, enough energy and adequate sleep, many elders across the globe have proven this.  These symptoms are commonly experienced in much younger individuals. Today, many people in their teens, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s report on their sluggishness, stiffness, thinning hair/nails, sleep issues, fatigue, weight gain etc, hardly symptoms of advanced years!

There are many reasons for unnatural signs of ageing in these younger years which include life experiences, stressful events, weakened constitutions, toxins, ineffective eliminations, nutritional status and more. But, there may also be a common link.

I wanted to focus on one key ‘added ‘ingredient - Salt, which creeps up in our diet, hijacks our taste buds which can leave us craving more salt as time goes on (and sugars as it upsets our mineral balance).

Many add it to cooking and extra on top of their meals, it is also found in many every day manufactured foods from sauces, gravy granules, stock cubs, crisps, processed meats and fish,  per-packaged meals, cheese, fizzy drinks etc.

Salt is a mix of sodium and chloride which is what we add to food or on our plate. Sodium along with potassium are macro minerals found in abundant in our natural foods.

Long before sodium (salt) excess contributes to any chronic labelled diseases the tell-tale signs of an imbalance can be presented with heavy painful periods, frequent colds, sinus issues as well as the symptoms mentioned above (low energy, aches/pains, sleep issues etc).

Sodium and potassium play a key role in cellular energy production.  Potassium is found mainly inside the cell and sodium placed outside. Our body has evolved to hold on to sodium more than potassium as all our natural foods are higher in potassium than sodium.


There is also a special enzyme pump on our trillions of cells which does a great job of keeping this balance (i.e sodium out of the cells)  but with today’s change of die, this pump has to work much harder, it is also dependent on Magnesium for it’s optimal function. Hence, why low magnesium status can result in creating an imbalance of sodium and potassium at the cell level.

Our kidneys are also designed to excrete excess sodium but again, organs, glands tissues and cells can all wear down if their efforts are constantly hindered by the in flux of toxins, chemicals or in this case salt which creates an acidic environment inside the cell.


When sodium floods to the inside of the cell we tend towards an acidic environment which can lead to a further cascade of events creating more imbalances and lowering our energy.

Low cellular vitality → lowered uptake of nutrients → weakened cell →more susceptible to invaders, as well as a cell that is not able to give up its toxins so readily leaving us with accumulations which leads to faster degeneration.

Calcium losses from the bone can lead to the deposition of calcium in the soft tissues and joints causing the stiffness/aches etc – signs of ageing.

Sodium/potassium imbalances also affect the water balance of the body, over work the kidneys which can in turn show the signs of fluid retention, bloating, under eye bags etc

If you want to keep a youthful feel to the body and to glow lighter at any age then it comes down to basics -

  •        Lessen the amount of added salt you take in, swapping any added salt to Himalayan (contains more minerals) but still keep to just adding a little for flavour.

  •    Increase your raw vegetable intake rich in potassium with balanced sodium, juicing, adding greens to smoothies, salads, veggie broths etc – will all help with the balance, plus delivering other alkaline minerals.

  •   Reduce manufactured foods as much as possible.

  •   Enjoy fresh fruits.

  •   Avoid/reduce other practices that displace potassium and contribute to an imbalance of these minerals such as caffeine, sugar and alcohol.


Before you treat the symptoms look at the causes.



(There maybe times where added sodium and potassium maybe subject to traumatic losses in the short term (not longer term) such as excess sweating, diarrhoea, vomiting, or adrenal imbalances may require a little extra natural salt in the diet

karen devine