It was during my earlier studies of Naturopathic principles that my keen interest in the role that raw, living, plant based foods had on healing and regeneration.
Raw living life force foods can be woven into a ‘cooked’ food diet, it does not mean that you have to eat 100% raw foods. But, to enjoy improved energy and optimal health, raw living foods must be a part of that plan where possible. There can be times when raw foods are not a good ‘fit’ for an individual (however, there are still some ways to weave these in ) particularly if they struggle with digestive issues, clearly, there will be work to be done to heal the gut to allow for some additional raw, living, plant-based foods to be added at the right time.
Raw Living Plant Foods are foods that still have their enzymes intact and not damaged in anyway by cooking. Heating over 118 degrees kills the natural enzymes in the plant and the healing properties are therefore diminished.
Fresh, raw living foods deliver food enzymes that start the break- up of the foods in the stomach once we start to chew which then releases the stored enzymes in the plant food. When we eat enzyme rich foods from nature’s table, we lessen the burden on our own digestive enzymes and organs of digestion.
Raw Living life force rich foods include, sprouted seeds/beans/seeds, fruits, leafy and other vegetables, seeds, nuts and more.
Not only the vital enzymes but vitamins, minerals,fibre and phytonutrients all in perfect harmony working together, this is what is known as ‘whole’ foods, nothing stripped away nor destroyed.
Raw living foods contain naturally structured water, they support hydration. Cooked foods are dehydrating, we therefore need to incorporate hydration (from clean water and nature’s food) from as much natural sources to aid in detoxification, elimination, regeneration and rejuvenation.
You can learn more about raw, living foods in my courses and workshops.