Bromelain, mucous and the lymphatic system

A fresh, ripe, juicy, sweet pineapple does more for the body than just satisfying our taste buds. It contains powerful properties that were first discovered in 1875.

Pineapples, (Ananas comosus) contain a host of nutrients inc manganese, vitamin C and potassium as well as fibre and phytonutrients. They also contain a special enzyme which can help break up mucous and other debris that may help promote healing and importantly aid in lymphatic flow. The enzyme is known as Bromelain has been shown to have many properties and therapeutic applications.

Bromelain is found in the flesh but a higher levels are found in the stem of the plant. It exhibits various fibrinolytic (prevention of clots) antiedematous (reduces fluid retention and swelling) anti-thrombotic (reducing clots) and anti-inflammatory activities. Bromelain can also thin down and digest mucous, old partially broken proteins in the gut, debris from wounds and injuries and much more. I think of Bromelain like the game ‘pac man’ gobbling down these substances.


The lymphatic system is affected by mucous and other debris as well as inflammation, congested lymph fluid will be slower moving which will have an effect on our immune system, detoxification and eliminations. Mucous creates congestion, where there is congestion there is stagnation!!

Chronic post nasal drip, sinus issues, sticky, congested skin, slow moving bowels and digestive congestion are signs there is a build up of mucous.

Our modern diets which includes excess proteins (cow dairy, red meat, eggs), refined sugars/carbohydrates, hydrogenated and excess fat intake, stress, constipation, lack of exercise, shallow breathing etc can lead to the production inflammatory markers, excess mucous and waste in the digestive system leading to stagnation in the body - particularly our lymphatic system.

Removing/reducing offending mucous forming foods and adding more raw, life-force giving foods from fruits, leafy greens, sprouted greens, juices, smoothies etc will help with breaking down old mucous and waste in our system and help our body flow.

Pineapples are also very high in natural water so promote natural hydration. Enjoy eating freshly cut pineapple but do remember to use the stem which is very rich in its active enzyme. You can juice the stem or blend it in a smoothie to ensure you are eating the ‘whole food’. Bromelain is also sold as a supplement to get a therapeutic dose, but eating the whole food confers many other health benefits.

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karen devine